Derek Mydlarz, MD, MPH

GE Appliances
CMO & Global Executive Medical Director, Health Benefits and Services

Derek Mydlarz, M.D., M.P.H. leads Health Benefits and Services organization at GE Appliances, a Haier Company. Prior to joining GE Appliances, he served inseveral capacities at Humana, including Care Delivery Organization Chief Medical Officer, Florida Market VP, and medical director at the Humana’s Officeof the Chief Medical Officer. He has diverse professional experience thatencompasses both military and civilian settings, including clinical and executive management in primary care, preventive and occupational medicine,population health, health care analytics and health systems. In the various roles, Dr. Mydlarz has focused both strategically and operationally on patient engagement, value-based care, risk-based contracting, continuous clinical quality improvement, chronic disease management and wellness programs, occupational injury and illness prevention, high value network curation, and health benefits design and management.

In his military career, Dr. Mydlarz served as a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army. He directed Army National Guard preventive and occupational medicine programs for 54 states and territories at the National Guard Bureau/Pentagon in Washington, D.C. He also served as the 76th Indiana Army National Guard Infantry Brigade Combat Team surgeon and currently is a member of theMedical Detachment.

Dr. Mydlarz is board-certified in both preventive and occupational and environmental medicine. He earned his medical degree from the University of Rochester School of Medicine, completed preventive medicine training at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Washington, D.C., and completed his occupational and environmental medicine training, as well as an M.P.H. at Johns Hopkins University.