Day 1
Wednesday, September 8
Introduction + Keynote
Join us as we kick-off Day 1 of our Moonshots for Health conference, with a special welcome and overview of what's to come.
The Making of a Moonshot
What can we learn from previous healthcare moonshots? Some have failed, others have been wildly successful. A retrospective on moonshots in cancer, hospital safety, and infectious disease.
Panel Discussion
Turning the Tide on obesity
By 2030, more than half of all Americans will be living with obesity. How can we reverse this trend, with approaches ranging from pharmacological to behavioral to societal?
Day 2
Thursday, September 9
Keynote (Day 2)
Join us as we kick-off Day 2 of our Moonshots for Health conference with a keynote presentation from a special guest, Dr. Bob Kocher
Winning the War on Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes prevalence rates continue to climb and population-level outcomes are getting worse. What new treatment paradigms are worth considering that may transform outcomes on a global scale?
Panel Discussion
From Hospital to Home-based Care
Even though patients live with their chronic conditions 365 days per year, most of their care takes place in hospitals or office-based settings. What does the future of home-based chronic care look like?